Kyu-Level Test Preparation Class
Sensei Ron will be holding a makeup test for Kyu-level Charleswood Karate students on Saturday, June 1st at Westgrove School. There will be a class before that which we have been invited to attend. There is no charge for the class, and it will focus on what is required for your next belt test. I encourage all of you to attend. There will also be mock testing for Dan-level students who are wanting to prepare for their next black belt test, so if you are curious to know exactly what a black belt exam entails, feel free to stick around to watch testing.
What: Test Preparation Class and Makeup Testing With Sensei Ron Porath, 6th DAN
When: Saturday, June 1st
Where: Westgrove School, 50 Westgrove Way
Class: 10AM - 11AM
Testing 11:15 - 12:30
Cost: Free!
Official IKD Kyu and Dan Examination Syllabus
What: Test Preparation Class and Makeup Testing With Sensei Ron Porath, 6th DAN
When: Saturday, June 1st
Where: Westgrove School, 50 Westgrove Way
Class: 10AM - 11AM
Testing 11:15 - 12:30
Cost: Free!
Official IKD Kyu and Dan Examination Syllabus
Grand Beach Training
The date for the annual Budo IKD Manitoba Grand Beach training day has been set. Saturday, July 6th at 11:30 AM. This is a fun day in the sun with karate class beginning on the beach and ending in the water! There is a potluck picnic held immediately after class, and the food is always great. So mark your calendars! Hopefully we can get luck out and have a warm and sunny day at the beach. Click here for more info.
IKD World Camp 2013
This one is just an informational note. I will be attending the 3rd IKD World Camp at Camp White Pine near Halliburton, Ontario from June 14th to the 17th. Dont' worry. There will not be any disruption to classes prior to and after the camp.
As you can guess from the heading, this is a training camp open to all Shotokan karateka throughout the world. I have trained and made friends with people from all around the world by attending these camps. It may seem slightly ironic where people from countries near and far come together to punch and kick each other in the face, but originally one of the main reasons for teaching karate outside of Japan was (and still is) promoting world peace. Despite what wars and conflicts are happening in the world, people come to camp, put aside their differences, eat, sleep, and train hard together regardless of race, religion, or personal beliefs. It's a beautiful thing. It's really wonderful to meet people from other countries with the same passion and enthusiasm for karate.
Training camp is typically hard work, but pretty fun too. Training takes place 3-4 times a day, with the first class starting at 6:30AM. I am excited as this will be my first time going to camp in Halliburton (Camp White Pine), which I hear is a fantastic facility. The first IKD Camp was held there, but I missed it as I was preparing to sell my house and move to North Kildonan. Last year the camp was held in Toronto at Ryerson University. I attended this as it was combined with the 1st IKD World Cup in which I competed (and placed 4th in Kata).
As you can guess from the heading, this is a training camp open to all Shotokan karateka throughout the world. I have trained and made friends with people from all around the world by attending these camps. It may seem slightly ironic where people from countries near and far come together to punch and kick each other in the face, but originally one of the main reasons for teaching karate outside of Japan was (and still is) promoting world peace. Despite what wars and conflicts are happening in the world, people come to camp, put aside their differences, eat, sleep, and train hard together regardless of race, religion, or personal beliefs. It's a beautiful thing. It's really wonderful to meet people from other countries with the same passion and enthusiasm for karate.
Training camp is typically hard work, but pretty fun too. Training takes place 3-4 times a day, with the first class starting at 6:30AM. I am excited as this will be my first time going to camp in Halliburton (Camp White Pine), which I hear is a fantastic facility. The first IKD Camp was held there, but I missed it as I was preparing to sell my house and move to North Kildonan. Last year the camp was held in Toronto at Ryerson University. I attended this as it was combined with the 1st IKD World Cup in which I competed (and placed 4th in Kata).
I have attended several ISKF Master Camps in Philadelphia, and also the Canadian Western Camp in Saskatoon on numerous occasions. Each time was a fantastic experience, and by attending these events I have had the privilege of being taught by some of the most technical Master instructors from Japan and all over the globe. It is important to me that I continue to attend these excellent training camps, not only for my own benefit, but now for the benefit of my students. It is my job to pass on what I learn at these camps to my students.
Camp is open to all levels and ages, but brown and black belts will get the most out of this training opportunity. Additionally, very young students might find it difficult to attend 6 hours of training each day (no skipping classes unless you're sick or injured). By this time next year, we should have some brown belts amongst our ranks in the dojo. It would be fun to go as a group!
That's all for now. Keep training!
Camp is open to all levels and ages, but brown and black belts will get the most out of this training opportunity. Additionally, very young students might find it difficult to attend 6 hours of training each day (no skipping classes unless you're sick or injured). By this time next year, we should have some brown belts amongst our ranks in the dojo. It would be fun to go as a group!
That's all for now. Keep training!